Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Developing the theme and QR CODES

Table of contents: i think that since our theme is apps, we should have a the table of full of apps, describing what each page is about. It should be full of color, and be about two pages. I think the apps should also be a medium size, because if they were too small that would make the table of contents look bunched up.

Student photos: I think that the picture could be in the form of a app.with the same font and everything to write the name of the student. For the senior pictures, we can have the picture of the senior and then the quote can be in the format of an status update.

Cover: the cover can be the front of an iphone/itouch, with the time as 20:12. the inside of the yearbook shouldbe filled with lots of color, and focus on technology not just apps, because the different apps can represent different things, like faceboook and youtube which is really popular among the school population.

for the QR codes i think we should have them on like pages where there are events, and club pictures, and in the corner we can have the QR codes saying "for more pictures on this event/club scan this picture with your smart phone" and so on. It can go nicely with the yearbook theme of technology and students can have fun with the yearbook. The QR codes can lead to extra pictures on the event/club. we would need a website for the extra picture tho :/

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